You may have noticed that when you tap on the calendar icon in settings you're presented with a few more options than "show" or "hide". You can now have a calendar not show up in any lists at all ("Delete from PiCal"). Or you can Mute. So what does that mean? What is it for?
Muting is useful when you have a calendar that you want to see and be aware of, but don't want it prominently displayed, and don't want to get alerts about it.
For example:
- Your partner's calendar - Your "next event" shouldn't be their haircut appointment
- Your coworker's calendar - No alerts for every meeting they attend
- A shared casual hobby calendar - Cut down on visual clutter about "nice to know" events
If you have ADHD, you're already fighting alarm numbness. You really only want alerts for things that are important. Therefore, not only can you mute an entire calendar in PiCal, you can also swipe left in the list to mute a single event. This means it gets ignored and skipped as your "next event". So instead of showing "1h to Haircut" from your spouse's calendar, your widget will show the time to the event after that. "2h to Meet Alice" for example.

Muting is a way to get as many distractions out of your way so you can focus on what's important. Let us know what you think of it, and how you use it!